Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of the World?

Artificial intelligence is computer technology manifested by machines, rather than the human or animal inspired intelligence shown by humans and other animals. In recent years, with the increase in technology and computer programming languages, artificial intelligence has been increasing at a very fast rate. Artificial intelligence has many uses in science, business, medicine and other areas. It is now being used in gaming software, weather forecasts, optimization of large scale networks, optimization of systems for decision making and search engine results. One of its most useful uses is in search engine marketing, as people are recognizing the potential of search engines for rewarding content. One might even say that artificial intelligence is the basis of the Internet.


Artificial Intelligence has many applications in today’s society, such as email spam filtering, stock trading, decision making, customer service, medical care, transportation, industry, and more. Some people even believe that artificial intelligence could replace human intelligence and that we may be able to send thoughts, expressions and even computer code into the future. Such beliefs are not based on fact, but on popular misconceptions of AI, the future and the past. Here are some of the most common misconceptions:

AI is a machine. While it is true that AI machines have learned how to think and reason, they are not like human beings. Humans are complex machines with many emotions, while machines can only do one thing at a time. As a result, while artificially intelligent machines may be able to reason and think, they cannot feel or care about things like love and hate.

AI will take over the world. Although it is hard to imagine, perhaps in the future, artificial intelligence systems will run every aspect of our lives. For example, one day you may wake up and your e-mail system will automatically send you emails based on pre-programmed templates, and then Google will send you results based on the same algorithms.

Humans are better than artificial intelligence. Although artificial intelligence can process data, it is not as capable as humans at decision making functions. Moreover, computers and AIs do not have emotional lives, they simply process information. Humans can build emotional connections and can feel all sorts of negative emotions, while AIs are emotionless.

Machines are dumb. Even though artificial intelligence machines are programmed to look all the same like people, they do not have emotions, just cold machines that perform functions. However, it is possible for machines to get emotions, such as fear, and this is a clear danger. There have already been cases when robots turn against their owners and kill people.

Computer vision is a hoax. Deep learning uses state of the art computer vision technologies to make computers see like a blind person. This technology’s accuracy makes them one of the best methods to eliminate the requirement for professional drivers in the motorized vehicle industry. They are also able to take full control of a car at any time and make driving safer.

Artificial intelligence will make many other technological developments possible. Researchers and developers are looking forward to the day when an artificial intelligence system can beat a grand champion chess player. In the future, you may be able to program a machine to play a game, and it could beat a top player. However, there are limits to artificial intelligence, and no machine can beat another machine. Also, these games are usually played with one side attempting to program the machine to win, rather than both players trying to program the machine to win. As long as these limits are observed, artificial intelligence will continue to improve.
