Future Of War Is Feared

In the future, you’ll see robots doing many of the jobs that people do today. The current definition of a robot is an artificially intelligent machine capable of performing a series of programmed activities, without any human supervision, in a given location. A robot may be controlled by an external controller unit, or the controller itself may be embedded inside. The activities, the robot is able to perform can include operating a camera, welding, playing chess, driving a vehicle, cooking, and much more. It will be an incredible convenience for the general public if robots can do all of the jobs that people used to do in the past.


There are many different applications for robots in the future, but some of the most exciting involve the health care industry. There are already several Boston Dynamics models in use by doctors around the world, and that company is only beginning to realize the tremendous potential of these robots. If it is successful, it will be an enormous boon for medical research and advancement around the world.

As time progresses, we are seeing robotics develop for a variety of different industries. Just a few years ago, it was possible to buy a robotic hamster for your pet. Today, you can purchase a remote-controlled dragon for your pet to enjoy. There are even robotic vehicles used in search-and-rescue operations. The possibilities are endless. It seems as if the next logical step in technology is to develop self-moving robots that can do the jobs of humans without the need for manual labor.

Perhaps the most popular application of robotic technology is in the military, particularly in war zones such as Afghanistan and Iraq. There are robots being built that is capable of shooting mortar rounds at enemy positions from afar. The United States Military is particularly interested in this technology because it does not require a soldier to man a gun and kill someone with a mortar shell. Rather, it requires the soldier to have a computer that enables him or her to send a signal to a Boston Dynamics robot that allows the robot to “aim” at a target and hit it out of a rocket-propelled backpack.

The Boston Dynamics Robotic Solution System is capable of picking up, storing, and returning fire from friendly military forces in Afghanistan. The robot has the ability to recognize a target, follow it, and then return fire to a pre-programmed trajectory. The system allows the military to take out its targets without risking the lives of their own troops.

Robotic engineers at Carnegie Mellon University have been working for several years on developing artificial intelligence software that can effectively control a number of robots. The robotic engineer can set up parameters that dictate which type of robots would work best to complete a certain task. In essence, the programmer controls which type of robot will go on a particular job. For instance, if there is a firefight, a robot might enter the building and put out the fire.

Military insiders say that the future of war will be fought with sophisticated robotic combat units. The United States military is currently working on a number of robots that will battle enemy soldiers on foreign ground. While much of the fighting will happen with special forces, the robots will also fight each other. The use of robots will not only allow the military to target enemy soldiers, but will also allow them to target enemy robots. In fact, they will fight each other to death.

As Artificial Intelligence technology continues to advance, robots will become more capable. They will also begin communicating with one another and creating more artificially intelligent systems. We can only imagine what it will be like when robots are able to think, plan, and fight like humans. In the future, artificial intelligence may hold the key to the future of warfare.
