Artificial Intelligence Law Enforcement

AI Law Enforcement is the future of police work. That’s according to forecasts by top police officials and experts. These experts are worried about a new wave of crime that will be prompted by the breakdown of human reasoning. Human beings are good at following rules. They can follow directions, collect evidence, and do tasks in a timely manner. However, these humans are not so good at making sense out of all of the complex legal language and the ever-changing circumstances of daily life.

AI Law enforcements

One worry from this point of view is that human beings, while still being necessary for police work, may not be able to complete the job. In other words, they may not be able to think. If this were true then perhaps it would be a good idea to have robotic police officers complete the police work instead of people. If you do your research on this topic, you will find that this concern is not unique.

You see, there is a big problem with human police officers, and this is because of the laws of human nature. Humans are lazy. They take the easy route. They always want to go the fast track and this often leads police officers into bad decisions that make the job harder instead of easier. In other words, it is not that robots are smarter than humans; it is that they will often be better decisions makers because of their artificial intelligence software that makes them more capable and successful than humans.

Consider that most major large corporations have a robotic system that they use in many of their daily operations. Does it make sense to have a robotic police force? Of course it does. This new type of law enforcement will be better because of its artificial intelligence, therefore less likely to make bad decisions and more likely to get the job done right the first time.

Many people in law enforcement questioned the wisdom of this concept and argued that robots will not understand the legal issues involved. It’s like saying that humans will not understand how to drive safely on the freeway. I am sure that the majority would agree if asked if they agreed that artificial intelligent cars should not drive on the freeways. Indeed, this may be true in some ways but not in others.

One possible way that robotic law enforcement can be used wisely is in hostage situations. In these types of situations it is imperative that a robot is employed because most of the time one of the negotiators will be held at a distance from the situation. It is also very difficult for negotiators to keep up with a captive who is well trained and equipped with weapons. Using a robotic police officer can be advantageous if negotiations go bad. Remember, many terrorists were taken hostage and there was a real risk that they could have been harmed if the negotiations went bad.

A third use for artificial intelligence law enforcement could be a scenario in which the law enforcement officer must take initiative. When a suspect breaks into your home or car you may be forced to let them leave without arresting them. This is when a robotic cop may be a great benefit to you. Since a cop cannot remember every detail of a case, they will need to use their memory banks to recall the details of your situation.

There are many other uses for artificial intelligence artificially intelligent systems. In fact, artificial intelligence and law enforcement are only the beginning of the future. As our technology improves, we will find new and creative ways to use it. Think about the possibilities and what you would like to see in the future. Even if you do not think that your idea for a future of artificial intelligence will come to pass, it is important that you think of new ways to utilize technology.
