AI in Film – How it Impacts the Film Business

AI in film

AI in Film – How it Impacts the Film Business

You’ve probably seen AI in film, or even heard about it. Perhaps you’re one of those Hollywood insiders who predicted its rise. The Secret and King Kong aside, there’s no real proof that humans will have AI in a human level sometime within our lifetime. Still, the idea isn’t nearly as far-fetched as you might think.

AI in film has been around almost as long as Hollywood itself. It tittered the minds enough to request more from the studios to produce more intelligent, creative movies. And then in 1951, AI made an entry in the classic sci-fi movie The Day The Earth Stank Still, though the cameo of the evil, villainous android overlapped with the appearance of a human female character.

The commercial benefits of AI in film aren’t immediately clear. However, it has been in use cases since the very first day the idea was conceived. In advertising, one can look back to the early 1960s when the Air Traffic Controller took commands from an onboard computer instead of staying in the cockpit and taking orders from a controller. Though some claim this was a first, it was definitely a step in the direction of greater creative control. Commercial uses of AI are still in their earliest stages today, and progress is being made on a daily basis.

Films can only benefit from such advances in technology as an AI can help complete the creative process. This includes writers, directors, producers, executives, studio heads, actors and technicians. With such a system in place, each one of these people is free to create without limits. There isn’t a writer-killer or a director-killer (for lack of a better term), so ideas flow freely. AI in film will allow for greater experimentation. As long as no one is hurt (which is very rare), the creative process will likely just get better.

Of course, what makes AI in film so unique is its application in the entertainment business. AI in film culture was bound to catch on, and many are already benefiting from the innovations of film technology. Some have even used it to further their own careers by creating original works using AI techniques. Others simply use it in their everyday lives, whether through online interaction, conversational programming, and so on.

Case studies in the film industry have found that such application of AI has led to positive results, especially in the area of greenlighting. When a movie is greenlighted by an AI, it means that a majority of viewers wanted to watch it. As a result, the film gets more popular, which increases its chances of selling tickets and making more money. AI in film projects have proven to be very successful because they are able to detect and remove factors that can hinder its success, like poor script or a black-and-white director.

Another exciting application of AI in the film is its ability to make more informed decisions. With its large database of knowledge, the system identifies patterns and trends and uses them to generate more accurate and helpful greenlighting decisions. Based on the feedback it receives, the system improves its capabilities and enforces its decisions accordingly. In this way, it helps the producers and studio executives make better decisions, increasing their chances of making great films. In this respect, AI tools are more likely to produce positive results.

These are just three of the applications of AI in the film business. Since its birth, the technology has had a tremendous impact. It has enabled experts to create better films, increased consumer confidence in new movies, and made it easier for people to choose the right films for them. However, as with all technologies, there are bound to be problems and limitations as well. If you wish to take advantage of these capabilities, it is important that you learn how to properly use them.
